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The benefits of livestreaming grow daily making it a key component of building an online business successfully. Online marketing changes continuously and livestreaming accelerates the promotion process by leaps and bounds.
[bctt tweet=”If you want to grow a business online quickly livestreaming becomes a necessity.”]Here are three ways livestreaming has changed online marketing significantly.
Changed the Product Launch Process
When I became a virtual assistant, one of the projects most coaches and consultants needed were to set up teleseminar and webinar events. These events were used to give valuable content and we part of the The teleseminars and webinars would provide knowledge and the entire product launch process would take 4 to 6 weeks. Long sales pages and 5 to 7 emails are not needed in 2018. Yes, email is still needed but the set up is very different. Another one of the major benefits of livestreaming is repurposing content easily. Your livestreaming recording can be distributed in various ways. I’ll name three here: Creating a system around your live broadcasts provides another set of benefits of livestreaming. You can create an online marketing strategy that repurposes your content and directs your connections through your sales funnels. The online marketing set up is much simpler now. It is simpler yet still a little complex considering the last benefit. I am listing relationship building as the last one of the benefits of livestreaming, but it certainly is not the least important. The part of online marketing that is complex is based on personalities. For a coy personality type or reserved person, livestreaming is a bold move. Most service entrepreneurs that know the benefits of livestreaming are still slow to use this tool because they feel vulnerable. I understand because I have started livestreaming weekly, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday’s, 7:35 p.m. CST. I know it can take time to find your rhythm using the livestreaming platforms, but it is also a fast way to gain recognition and build relationships. The benefits of livestreaming are multifaceted so do not miss the opportunity to maximize your content. We can have a strategy session, where I can demonstrate maximizing your content and send you the recording. I also invite you to join me on Periscope, Tuesdays – Thursdays’ 7:35 p.m CST. I talk about ways you can save time building relationships and increasing sales using online marketing strategies and tools.
NOT anymore. One of the primary benefits of livestreaming is you can launch in 7 to 10 days maximum.
Livestreaming gives businesses the opportunity to build an audience faster simply by using online marketing strategies and tools. The process now is:
Repurposing is a Benefit of Livestreaming
Relationship Building is a Benefit of Livestreaming